01 Plastic bags
Hard cover
21,5 x 28cm
n.104 pages
Designed by Nicolò Oriani and Continente Editions
Introduction text by Jack Self
First edition of n.200 copies
21,5 x 28cm
n.104 pages
Designed by Nicolò Oriani and Continente Editions
Introduction text by Jack Self
First edition of n.200 copies
Sold out
If you were able to gather together all known life in the universe, the mass of this organic ball would be about 1,1 teratonnes – that’s kilos. Against this, the mass of all human-made objects is slightly greater. More importantly, this so-called “anthropogenic mass” – the sum of all things in existence – is doubling every 20 years. Each week we produce a mass of objects per person equal to your own bodyweight.This might make you think that a lot of human things must be very heavy or very large... Jack Self, 2022 (Extract from the introduction text). Full text here